Afro-Punk is an award winning 66-minute documentary film directed by James Spooner.
Afro-Punk focuses on the lives of four African Americans dedicated to the punk rock lifestyle, interspersed with interviews from a chorus of over 80 Black punks from throughout the United States.
The film tackles several universal topics around Black identity: interracial dating, marginalization, the double consciousness of Black Americans, and notions of what it means to be Black.
After the film's premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival, Spooner toured the film throughout the United States and abroad. Screening it over 300 times in the first three years, the film garnered a following, giving punks a template for discussing race within the scene. Later, the Afro-Punk message board connected alternative Black people from around the world. In 2004, Spooner began holding concerts to foster that community, which eventually lead to his co-founding the Afropunk Festival.
Afro-Punk features performances by Bad Brains, Tamar-kali, Cipher, and Ten Grand.
Today, Spooner gives artist talks on the history of AfroPunk and the Black punk experience.
Please visit the SPEAKER page to book a screening &/or artist talk with James.

Check out early Afro-Punk Press here.